New Product: BLEPad available

BLEPad – The BLEPad is an Arduino compatible microcontroller development board based on the ATmega32U4 IC with BLE, built in. You can choose board type LilyPad Arduino USB from Arduino IDE to start programming. It’s the easiest way to get BLE in your project!

Firmware ZeroBeacon V2.1 available

The ZeroBeacon V2.1 can work as iBeacon receiver / scanner. Please refer the wiki for more information. ChangeLog for V2.1 Response “\r\n” at the line end for AT commands Fix a bug for configure iBeacon proximityUUID Add AT commands for scan iBeacon

New Product: BlueDuino Rev2 available

The BlueDuino Rev2 is an Arduino compatible microcontroller development board based on the ATmega32U4 IC with BLE, built in. Just plug in the board and your ready to start programming! It’s the easiest way to get BLE in your project! Buy it on tindie.


ABBLEShield可让你很方便的在硬件项目中增加BLE功能支持。ABBLEShield只需要串口即可通讯,所以大部分开发板都可以很好的与之配合工作。例如Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Netduino, BeagleBone等等。ABBLEShield同时也支持iBeacon广播功能。 更多信息请参考Wiki


四月兄弟出品的April Beacon完全按照苹果的iBeacon技术规格文档开发,因此将参数稍作修改就可以用Estimote的客户端来测试。 修改方式如下: 修改proximity uuid为 B9407F30-F5F8-466E-AFF9-25556B57FE6D 修改major/minor为大于0的数字,例如123 重启April Beacon 然后打开Estimote的应用就可以测试各种Demo了。 AprilBeacon下载地址 苹果应用商店下载地址 二维码下载地址: