DA14580 based soil moisture sensor. Also provide ambient temperature sensor. Advertising sensor data with iBeacon protocol. APlant Product Page Category: ProductBy roseJune 17, 2016Tags: iBeaconsensor Author: rose Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:安卓版 AprilBeacon 2.0 使用说明NextNext post:New Products: ASensor And YuePixelsRelated postsNew Products: More Shields For ESPeaDecember 14, 2016New Product: OLED Shield For ESPeaOctober 11, 2016New Product Available: ESPea Dev BoardJuly 28, 2016New Product: BLEPad availableJuly 21, 2016New Products: ASensor And YuePixelsJuly 4, 2016New Product: BlueDuino Rev2 availableApril 15, 2015